Here you will find the authors listed.
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Achim Steiner, Executive Director UNEP
Samuel O. Idowu, Editor of the CSR Series at Springer International
Dr. Rene Schmidpeter, Editor of the CSR Series at Springer International
Alexander James Cox, ERM
Elena Amirkhanova, ERM
Rai Vogelsberger (co-author), ERM
Dariusz Prazek, EBRD
Debbie Cousins, EBRD
Eric Cochard, Credit Agricole
Suellen Lazarus, Consultant of the Strategic Review of Equator Principles
Owen McIntyre, UCC, independent IRM Expert to EBRD
Prof. Cem Avci, Royal Haskoning Turkey
Dr. Isil Gultekin (co-author), ELC Group
Prof. Henry Schäfer, BWI Stuttgart
Christian Hertrich (co-author), Goldman Sachs
Steve Gibbons, ERGON Associates, CEO
Christian Leitz, UBS
Liselotte Arni (co-author), UBS
Dr. Alexander Seidler (co-author), UBS
Yann-X Kermode (co-author), UBS
Margaret Wachenfeld,Institute for Human Rights and Business
Cynthia Williams, York University/Vanderbilt University
Prof. John Conley (co-author), York University/Vanderbilt University
Niamh O’Sullivan, University of Amsterdam
Ariel Meyerstein, Chadbourne & Parke LLP
Sonal Pandya Dalal, Conservation International
Curan Bonham, (co-author), Conservation International
Agustin Silvani, (co-author), Conservation International
Shally Venugopol, WRI
Alexey Akulov, VEB
Reed Huppman, ENVIRON
Herman Mulder, Chairman of Global Reporting Initiative
Gavin Duke, Investmentmanager, Aloe
Rolf Haessler, Oekom research
Till Hendrik Jung (co-author), Oekom research
Liz van Zyl, Cytrus Partners
Denis Childs, Societe Generale
Alok Dhayal, IDFC India
Ashok Emani, IDFC
Olaf Weber, Advisor to EDC
Haiying Lin, (co-authors), University of Waterloo
Heffa Schücking, Urgewald
Prof. Dr. Alexandra Niessen–Ruenzi, University of Mannheim
Monika Schulz-Strelow, President of FidAR
Dr. Heidrun Kopp, Institut für nachhaltiges Finanzwesen
Manuel Woersdoerfer, Goethe University
Nanno Kleiterp, FMO
Prof. Christine Kaufmann, University of Zurich
Christine Berry, Shareaction
Olivier Jaeggi, ECOFACT AG
Nina Kruschwitz (co-author), MIT
Raul Manjarin (co-author), ECOFACT AG
Jonathan Hanks, Incite
Patricia Dinneen, main-author, Senior Advisor EMPEA
Yasemin.X.Saltuk (co-author), J.P. Morgan Social Finance
Renana Shvartzvald (co-author), vital-capital
Joan Trant (co-author), Director of Marketing and Impact, TriLinc Global
Marcus Regueira (co-author), Founding Partner and Chief Investment Officer, FIR Capital
Jim Roth (co-author), Co-Founder and Partner, LeapFrog Investments
Vineet Rai (co-author), Founder and Managing Director, Aavishkaar
Arun Gore (co-author), President and CEO, Gray Ghost Ventures
Sean Kidney, Climate Bonds
Bridget Boulle (co-author), Climate Bonds
Thomas Vellacott, WWF
Katharina Serafimova (co-author), WWF
Alicia De la Cruz-Novey, PhD /ENVIRON, Stakeholder engagement model
Dustin Neuneyer, Consultant
Barnim G Jeschke, Professor of Sustainable Management, FOM
Sebastian Philipps, Asian Development Bank Environment Operations Center
Hendrik Ohlsen (co-author), VfU Geschäftsleitung
Dr. Christina Raab (co-author), CSCP