Key Notes




Karen Wendt is Key Note Speaker at many prestigious conferences all around the world. Karen talks about the three innovation horizones in sustainable finance and how to implement a theory of change. She also talks about SDG-aligned portfolio engineering, social stock exchanges, and how to manage your tracking error against main indices when applyingactive sustainable or thematic investment approaches. See her publications regarding these topics here (link to Publications,slider Theories of change).

Karen is thrilled to improve your financial and sustainable footprint in just one keynote and create extra value for you. For sustainability, it is important how you want to frame sustainability. As an innovation and impact creation tool or just a compliance tool that helps you to comply with existing frameworks and regulatation and taxonomies. If you frame it as an innovation tool you can create extra risk-adjusted preturns and it becomes a valuable asset while when you just create it as a compliance tool it will always remain a governance tool and in the worst case an additional cost.

Karen for 20 years has been a pioneer in sustainable finance and change leadership and transforms development into opportunities. She is an experienced financial specialist in investment, sustainability, and digital transformation. If companies want to become a better version of themselves, they need antifragility and agility as core concepts. Speaker Karen Wendt inspires a company’s overall business to strive for the implementation of success.

Why you should book speaker Karen Wendt

  • She is inspiring. Speaker Karen Wendt has led and implemented change management in two Top Tier Financial Institutions in leading roles with committee oversight.
  • Karen is an exceptional leader. Karen showcases her knowledge of banking, sustainability, innovation, digital transformation, and change management, which is directly reflected in her book and video series.
  • Her continuous skills are showcased on many platforms. Springer Palgrave Macmillan and Taylor and Francis are a few places where speaker Karen Wendt showcases her expertise. She also shows her work in CNN Money and SRF interviews and speeches.

Speaker Karen Wendt merges 20 years of experience in investment banking with social and green economy finance, leadership 4.0, design thinking, and advising on digital transformation. She is a designer and implementer of Theories of Change for business and finance.