Invitation: Panel Discussion on Responsible Investment Banking Anthology in London
International environmental and social financing requirements, such as the IFC Performance Standards, EBRD Performance Requirements and the ECA Common Approaches, are being applied by an increasing number of financial institutions to determine, assess and manage their environmental and social risks. they likewise form an important part of the anthology Responsible Investment Banking and are in the process of convergeance into global administrative law, another important part of Responsible Investment Banking Based on these standards Responsible Investment Banking starts a journey into new more proactively driven fields of sustainability. Every journey begins with an entrepreneur translating a vision into actions and products, even before any ESG standards come into play. Todays eco-social entrepreneurs pave the way from ESG compliance into ESG Main information about Phentermine innovation, which is another important part of the Responsible Investment Banking Anthology. Positive Impact Investing and Finance is the most powerful part in creating new markets.
Responsible Investment Banking invites you in cooperation with ERM to join in for an exciting panel discussion with leaders from the financial sector who will be sharing their experience of implementing projects in line with international financing requirements.
You will have the opportunity to put questions and perspectives to the panel, and to participate in a discussion that is intended to share practical experience of the application of these requirements in a wide range of sectors and geographies as well as learn about the concepts of Responsible Investment Banking.
Panel members include:
- European Bank of Reconstruction and Development
Jeff Jeter, Senior Environmental Advisor - UK Export Finance
Max Griffin, Principal Environmental Adviser - Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
Tylor Hartwell, Head of Transport and Telecommunications - Actis
Mark Goldsmith, Director - Herbert Smith Freehills
Helena Anderson, Senior Associate - Karen Wendt
Editor of Responsible Investment Banking - ERM
Philippa Spence, Partner